Feeding the Flying Fanellis
Written by Kate Hosford
Illustrated by Cosei Kawa
Carolrhoda Books, 2015. Informational Picture Book.
Have you ever wondered what it would take to feed circus performers? Let your curiosity be satisfied by this poetry book. The circus performers have a personal chef who tailors dishes to each individual performer. They are so busy working they need to have their meals brought to them. The chef also has a lot of challenges feeding the circus. The Juggler, for example, is wasting away from being served round objects that end up being juggled in the air, instead of consumed. Personally, I identify with the lion, "a true gourmet who thinks about his food all day" and is served fancy dishes he is constantly devouring.
The whimsical pictures are eloquently done, and help the reader enter a dream-like state. This book is found on the informational side of the children's library in the poetry section.