Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea!
By Ben Clanton
Tundra Books, 2016. 65 p.
In this first of a new graphic novel series (Narwhal and Jelly) readers are introduced to a narwhal and a jellyfish (appropriately named Narwhal and Jelly). Narwhal is fun and happy with life. Jelly is a little more cautious and skeptical (after all this crazy Narwhal claims he is a unicorn of the sea and everyone knows unicorns aren’t real). But soon Jelly and Narwhal become good friends. And like all good friendships, it is tested when Narwhal starts inviting people to be in his “pod” but forgets to “invite” Jelly to be part of the group. This book has humor and a wee bit of drama all rolled up into a fun story based on two fantastic new characters. I hope that Clanton will come up with many more adventures for this swimming duo.