Pablo & Jane and the Hot Air Contraption
By José Domingo Flying Eye Books, 2015.
Graphic Novel/Picture Book.
Pablo & Jane and the Hot Air Contraption is the critically acclaimed graphic novel/picture book hybrid reminiscent of Where’s Waldo?. The book begins with a fun and wild story about two bored siblings who visit an old abandoned house on a hill and find themselves entangled in a war between an evil cat with one eye and a bespectacled mouse who takes them in the hot air contraption to an alternate dimension. The story is told using graphic novel panels. However, much of the book is made up of a series of two-paged illustrations in which the reader is asked to find certain objects with the number of objects increasing each page. Each page invites the reader to explore an engrossing illustration of a new world of monsters and other mythical creatures. If you love graphic novels or books like Where’s Waldo? or both, this book will not disappoint.