The Beast in My Belly
By Grzegorz Kasdepke
Enchanted Lion Books, 2015. Intermediate fiction. 48p.
A little girl begins to hear worrisome groans and growls coming from her stomach. She realizes there must be a beast in there! She tries to tell her parents, her brother, and her grandparents, but no one believes her.
Afraid that the beast will get bigger if she feeds it, she skips snack time, but that just seems to make the beast angrier. And then the beast keeps her awake at night: “He led me into the kitchen, right up to the refrigerator. When I opened it, I discovered what a greedy beast it was! It wouldn’t go back to sleep until it had eaten not one, not two, not three, but four sausages!”
Will she figure out how to rid herself of the beast? This Polish import has very short chapters with whimsical illustrations on each page. A humorous exploration of children’s feelings and imagination.