by Joanne Oppenheim
illustrated by Miriam Latimer
Narrated by Hugh Bonneville
Barefoot Books,2014. picture book with CD
The prince won't eat breakfast and the queen is worried that it will stunt his growth. The king decides that the royal family should take a trip to find something the prince will eat. They travel to India, Mexico and China where the king and queen love the local cuisine, but still the prince won't try anything. Finally in Africa a wise man offers a bottle of ketchup to the prince. The boy prince loves it and after that eats everything with ketchup. Full color, stylized, child friendly illustrations fill every page. The book comes with a CD on which Hugh Bonneville (Earl Grantham from Downton Abby) narrates the story with lots of expression and a delicious British accent. Even if you don't have a picky eater at your house, it is well worth the check out.