Tito, Tito -Rimas, Adivinanzas y Juegos Infantiles-
By Isabel Schon, Illustations by Violeta Monreal.
Editioral Everest, S.A.
This is a compile of rhimes, guessing games and play of words, that takes you to your childhood. I found myself remembering the times when I learned them. I realized how important they are in the process of acquiring a vocabulary. Please read them to your children, memorize them!
Este libro contiene una serie de rimas, adivinanzas y juegos de palabras, que por seguro les va a llevar a su niƱez. Me hicieron recordar los tiempos en que los aprendĆ. Que importantes son para la adquisiciĆ³n del lenguaje. Ā”memorĆcenlos juntos!