Sopa de Zanahoria
By John Segal, translated by Teresa M. Lawer
Lectorum Publications, Inc., 28 pg. Picture Book
Rabits best time of the year is Spring, he can plant a garden and so he gets his plow and prepares the ground. He waters the garden and weeds and waits and waits until the carrots started to grow, when is time to harvest he grabs all his tools, and sets out to get his carrots. When he comes to the field there are no carrots, where are the carrots? he asks mole, but he does not know where they are, he ask dog but he doesn't know either, he asks several animals and they have no idea, very discouraged he goes home and, What? Surprise!! You have to read this cute book to know what happens, the illustrations are very good and help tell the story.
La primavera es la estaciĆ³n preferida de conejo, por que puede plantar su jardĆn, entonces ara el terreno, planta las semillas de zanahoria, les da agua, y espera y eapera, finalmente comienzan a crecer. Cuando es tiempo de cosecha agarra todas sus herramientas y se va a cosechar. Pero cuando va a recoger no encuentra nada, le pregunta a topo pero el no sabe que pasĆ³ con las zanahorias, le pregunta a otros animales pero igual no saben, triste se va a casa, pero, Ā”esperen! Ā”Sorpresa! Hay que leer este libro para saber que pasa, las ilustraciones ayuda a contar este cuento.