Jorge el Curioso y El Conejito
By Margaret E. Rey, Illustrartion by H. A. Rey
Translated by Yanitzia Canetti
Houghton Miffin Co., 24 pg. Small Picture Book
This small book tells another cute story of Curious George, this funny little monkey is always getting in trouble because of his curiosity. He comes to a cage that has a mama rabit and several little bunnies, he wanted to find out how it would feel to hold a little bunny, so he picks one up and he is so cute, but he gets away and George finds himself trying to find it. He has this wonderful idea that saves the bunny, find out what it is and be happily surprised by the ending.
Este pequeƱo libro nos da otro cuento del Curioso Jorge, siempre este monito se mete en problemas por su curiosidad. Se encuentra frente a una jaula con una mamƔ coneja y varios conejitos, quiere saber como se sienten los conejitos en sus manos, y decide sacar uno para sentirlo, pero el conejito se le escapa y se corre, Jorge no lo puede encontrar. Tiene una idea que le puede ayudar y salvar al conejito, enterese que es y tendrƔ una sorpresa agradable del final del cuento.