Sophie's Squash
by Pat Zietlow Miller
illustrated by Anne Wilsdorf
by Pat Zietlow Miller
illustrated by Anne Wilsdorf
Hardcover, 40 pages
August 6th 2013
by Schwartz & Wade
Young children are notorious for latching on to random playthings or even having invisible friends. Their imaginations giving life to almost anything they encounter. Sophie is no exception. She decides that a squash purchased for dinner would make a better companion for herself. She gives it a face and a name, Bernice. Bernice goes everywhere with Sophie despite her parents concerns for the inevitable squishy, rotten fate of all produce. Eventually Bernice starts showing signs of her age leading Sophie to consult the squash man at the farmers market. When she follows his advice she is a little lonely for awhile until something unexpected happens and Sophie has more "friends" than before. This adorable story does a great job of showing tolerant parents and a sweet young girl who will do anything for her friend. This is a truly charming and well-illustrated story.