Elephant Talk
by Ann Downer
Twenty-First Century Books, 2011. 112 pgs. Nonfiction
Elephants are by far some of the most fascinating animals on the face of the planet--and this book has the facts to prove it. Scientists have studied these highly intelligent and social creatures for years and have even figured out how it is that elephants manage to "speak" to one another. Sometimes over miles of distance. Did you know that an elephant's sense of smell is far superior to any bloodhound's? Did you also know, that wild elephants in Kenya have learned tell tell, just by looking at them, the difference between tribes of people based on the clothing they wear? Elephants have actually learned which tribes will not hurt them, and which ones will hunt and kill them. This book will give any reader a new respect for this noble race of creatures. I would highly recommend this book for older middle grade readers who will not be hindered by the technical speak that is sometimes required in explaining the amazing science of elephants.