Written by Jolby and Rachel Roellke Coddington
Illustrated by Jolby
Following the trend of graphic designers turned children's book creators (like Frank Viva's Along a Long Road) is the magnificent picture book The King's 6th Finger. This is a twisted fairy tale in all its finery. Our story begins: "There once was a simple king named Mortimer/Who had an obsessive compulsive disorder-er." King Mortimer's obsession is with the number five- all things must come in fives, from turrets in his castle to hairs on his head. One day, "Morty" wakes up to find an extra finger on his hand! This throws his disorder-er into overdrive, but no one can cure his 6th finger syndrome. Eventually, he tires of trying to remove the finger and deals with it! The story ends: "The moral of the story is truly a zinger/ Be willing to change when life deals you a finger!" Witty and irreverent, The King's 6th finger is well-written and richly drawn.