By Laura Marchesani
Grosset & Dunlap, c2010. 144 pages. Easy reader.
Dick and Jane and Vampires follows in the footsteps of otherworldly satires such as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, although this title is geared towards children. This Dick and Jane story follows the traditional format, using very simple, repetitive sentences that help develop early literacy skills. However, add in some vampires and this story gets a lot more interesting! Dick and Jane spy a dark stranger that disappears from view on alternating pages. It's a fun hide and seek story with this creature of the night- or day, in this case. Eventually, Vampire gets more comfortable being seen by the children and then becomes a part of the family. My favorite part is when Jane makes Vampire dress up, saying, "Vampire is my baby. Vampire is my funny little baby." The humor is tongue in cheek, but will still appeal to children.