by Marianne Musgrove
ill. by Cheryl Orsini
131 pages
intermediate realistic fiction
New York : Henry Holt, 2010
Is Lucy a good or bad egg? Well, it depends on whom you ask. Lucy herself is convinced that her teacher, her Tante Bep, and her classmates think she is bad. This is partly due to Lucy's inability to control her temper! She realizes that screaming and yelling and throwing things doesn't do any good, but she feels like her feelings have to explode out of her in some manner. Through trials at home and at school, lovable Lucy finds the path to being a "good" egg. This simple chapter book is brimming with Lucy's energy and emotions. There are sure to be many young readers out there that will learn along with Lucy how to control their temper, better enabling them to get along with others. Lucy the Good is an ideal stand-alone title for those that enjoyed the Junie B. Jones series, yet are looking for something a little more "grown-up".