By Daniel Stefanski
Free Spirit Pub., c2011. 43 pages. Nonfiction.
This is a lighthearted book that teaches about interacting with children with Autism. Daniel Stefanski, a 14 year old Autistic boy, has penned a book that is both informative and humorous. There are many great tips throughout. For example, Stefanski offers insight on how to deal with an Autistic child's tendency to dominate conversations, or who have a hard time interpreting social cues. He advises to simply be honest and use kind words in communicating. This book stands out among the many Autism/Aperger's books out there, because it humanizes the disorder. Stefanski gives an insider's view on how children with Autism see the world, and does so in accessible language. Although Autistic children experience sensory overload and social awkwardness, they also experience the joy of friendship and heartache of bullying- making them no different than any other children. I was enlightened by the honesty of this book, and think it's a great selection for any age.