by Jeanne Birdsall, illustrated by Matt Phelan
Clarion, 2010. Unpaged. Picture Book.
Flora has had it with her little brother Crispin, who has spilled her paints yet again. A tired mother sends them both outside despite Flora's protest that "the wind is very strong and will blow me away." Flora's not really worried because of her "super-special heavy-duty red boots" but Crispin with only his old purple boots has not such protection and flies into the sky. Even though Flora finds Crispin no end annoying she instantly sheds her boots and spreads her coat and takes off after him. The clouds, the rainbow, and eagle, and even the moon want Crispin to stay with them but he is Flora's brother and she must take him home. Even the wind wants him to stay, but takes both children home when Flora politely declines. In the end, the two sit side by side at the kitchen table eating chocolate chip cookies, and, in the end, Flora likes Crispin more than she knew.