Spending Money
By Dana Meachen Rau
Gareth Stevens Pub., 2010.
24 pages. Nonfiction.
Dana Meachen Rau's Spending Money is a smart choice for early readers. In 24 bright pages of photographs and text, Rau teaches about the different ways we spend money. The book follows the way money travels, and how it circulates from the Mint to your wallet. It also teaches children about all the different ways you can pay for things: coins, cash, checks, debit cards, and credit cards. The most important lesson taught in this book is how to save money, and how to make a budget for the things that you want.
This is a fun and simple read, especially for transitioning readers who are new to nonfiction. There is a good amount of age-appropriate information and some fun facts, too. My favorite: Once it leaves the Mint, paper money can only survive about 18 months.
Be sure to check out the other titles in the "Money and Banks" series:
The History of Money
Paper Money
Saving Money
What is a Bank?