by Michael Ian Black, illustrated by Kevin Hawkes
Simon & Schuster, 2010. Unpaged. Picture Book
Every child thinks a pig parade would be a good idea, with the pigs in their crisp red and white marching band uniforms playing their gleaming trumpets and trombones and big bass drums. But really, no. Because pigs don't like to march, they like to snuffle and they are likely to get old bubblegum stuck on their noses as they root and snort their way down the parade route. Also, pigs don't like floats (except root beer floats) and they don't like music, except "weepy" country western ballads, which are no fun for parades. All in all, as Black and Hawkes' bright new picture book rightly points out, pig parades are a bad idea. But a panda parade . . . . Now there's a good idea!