Don't Let Auntie Mabel Bless the Table
by Vanessa Brantley Newton
Blue Apple Books, 2010. Unpaged. Picture Book.
I have to admit, this book brought a smile to my face, though it might be a bit sacrilegious to some. The familiar scenario of a prayer going a bit too long is colorfully brought to life. Auntie Mabel has set a glorious table for Sunday dinner, and friends and family have arrived bearing even more food for their feast. Before they begin to eat, Auntie Mabel blesses the food, starting with the corn and black-eyed peas. After she has blessed each individual dish, she expands her prayer to give thanks for the various other people and things. As the prayer goes on from page to page, it shows those sitting around the table in various stages of long-suffering. (I am sure I have seen the kid who is rolling his eyes sitting at my own table.) Auntie Mabel finally winds down, but now the food is cold and needs to be reheated, after which Auntie Mabel volunteers to sing a song. Instead, Poppa gives a short sweet prayer and everyone is finally able to eat.
Great pictures and a fun book!