By Sean Taylor; illustrated by Nick Sharratt
Roaring Brook Press, 2007. Unpaged. Picture book.
This book goes through all the potential things a monster can be and do. If it's an under-the-bed monster, for example, it can either eat you or you can take it to school. It really just depends on your particular luck and situation, but let's hope the school option is the one that wins out! If that is the case, there are many avenues from that point, many of them ending in the monster eating you or someone you know. That's really just the monster way. However, if the monster can refrain from eating people, there are suddenly so many more possibilities. Read this book to discover a monster's true potential!
Even though this is an older book, it's absolutely hilarious and definitely one you should be sure to read! Adults and children will both find this a complete riot. Bright, funny illustrations add to the story. Altogether, this is one you just can't miss!