The Legend of Ninja Cowboy Bear
By David Bruins; illustrated by Hilary Leung
Kids Can Press, 2009. 28 pp. Picture book.
This cute, silly little story follows three friends and their friendship. One day, they begin arguing over who is best and try to resolve the disagreement with ridiculous competitions. In the end, they all realize that they each have unique strengths and talents and that they can be friends despite their differences.
Fun, crisp illustrations make this book worth reading. The pictures are really entertaining and carry the story. Although the text itself isn't outstanding, the idea behind it is definitely a good one. Children will enjoy the book and will especially enjoy all the crazy things the friends do to prove their superiority.
By David Bruins; illustrated by Hilary Leung
Kids Can Press, 2009. 28 pp. Picture book.
This cute, silly little story follows three friends and their friendship. One day, they begin arguing over who is best and try to resolve the disagreement with ridiculous competitions. In the end, they all realize that they each have unique strengths and talents and that they can be friends despite their differences.
Fun, crisp illustrations make this book worth reading. The pictures are really entertaining and carry the story. Although the text itself isn't outstanding, the idea behind it is definitely a good one. Children will enjoy the book and will especially enjoy all the crazy things the friends do to prove their superiority.