by Nan Marino
Jr Fiction
Neil Armstrong Is My Uncle & Other Lies Muscle Man McGinty Told Me gave me warm fuzzies inside when I finished it. Tamara loves to play kickball. She also loved her best friend Kebsie until one day Kebsie just packed up and moved away without even saying goodbye to Tamara. So when Muscle Man McGinty moves into the neighborhood Tamara is not looking for friends. Muscle Man really drives her crazy when he brags that he can beat the entire rest of the neighborhood in kickball. Tamara knows that he lies about other things, but there is no way that she is going to let people believe this lie. This book takes place in 1969. It was fun to see the children’s perspective on when America landed on the moon and the Vietnam War. A fun story to learn a bit of history and to help understand other people and the true meaning of friendship.