Eddie is excited to learn that he has just moved into the home town of his favorite author, Nathaniel Olmstead—a popular writer of children’s horror stories. The only problem is, Olmstead has been mysteriously missing for the last thirteen years and his home now stands abandoned at the edge of the woods. Rumor says Olmstead and his creepy stories have brought a curse down upon the whole town and that the monsters from his books now roam the woods. Eddie and his two new friends from school decide to figure out what is really going on but quickly discover there are some secrets that should never be unraveled. Horrifying monsters, creepy curses, nightmares to keep you awake at night—this book has got everything to make delicious chills go up and down your spine. Poblocki’s novel is a masterpiece of suspense and horror. Each twist and turn in the plot keeps you on the edge of your seat, waiting to see what will pop out at you next. I don’t know how Poblocki sleeps at night with all those dark and creepy creatures crawling around in his imagination, but I was completely enthralled with them (and this story) all the same. For those older readers who like their novels good and scary, The Stone Child, is the perfect book for you this Halloween. Easily frightened younger readers may want to steer clear of this fantastic and spooky tale of suspense.