by Ashley Spires
64 pages
juvenile graphic novel
Toronto : Kids Can Press, c2009
Binky is a proud, card-carrying member of F.U.R.S.T., aka Felines of the Universe Ready for Space Travel. The home he lives in with his humans is completely surrounded by unexplored outer space. Binky is determined to explore every inch of it once he builds his special rocket. In the meantime he will have to content himself with defeating all the alien life-forms that invade his home and attack his humans. When the day finally arrives to launch, Binky is faced with his most difficult predicament before leaving home.
Binky the Space Cat was a pleasure to read. I laughed out loud pretty much the whole way through. The illustrations were charming and Binky's personality came through loud and clear in the text. I definitely look forward to joining Binky on more hilarious adventures!