THE HINKY PINK; retold by Megan McDonald, illustrated by Brian Floca; New York: Atheneum, 2008. unpaged.
McDonald and Floca give a vivace redo to the old tale of the fractious Hinky Pink in this story of Anabel (alas, not Anabella), a seamstress who spends her days over piles of "mending unending" dreaming of creating a ball gown for someone who will dance the tarantella. Her wish comes true when the princess of the realm drips raspberry tart juice on her best dress and needs a new one made quickly. Enter the Hinky Pink who gives Anabel no rest from pinching her and yanking off her covers at night--her sewing suffers. Mag the nursemaid suggests making the Hinky Pink his own bed, but the Hinky Pink finds none of her efforts suitable until she fills a thimble with silky satin and adds a rose petal coverlet. Anabel and the Hinky Pink both get a good night's rest, the dress is finished in time for the ball, and all is well in Old Italy. A perfect combination of sprightly text and delightful pictures.