Henry was ready to start his job as a critter sitter for the Mahoney family. He had the uniform, the vital information, and the motto, "
Critter Sitter is my name and Creature Control is my game". He needed all the control he could muster for the creatures in the Mahoney household. They had a dog, a cat, a snake, a bird, and a frog. Oh yeah, and a goldfish! With this many critters to tend, chaos is sure to follow. Chuck Richards wrote an entertaining and fun story, but his illustrations are amazing! He uses a watercolor and colored pencil technique that is fun and slightly quirky, yet full of incredible details. Each page is full of wonderful colors and fascinating perspectives. When you check out this book be sure to spend some time looking at the whole picture as there are lots of fun things in the backgrounds that add to the story. Critter Sitter is my favorite picture book of the year, so far.