In a retelling of the old tale "East of the Sun, West of the Moon," a young girl who has gained the ability to communicate with animals is given the challenge to live for a year in an ice palace with a polar bear. In exchange, her family will be blessed with wealth. However, all does not go smoothly and the young lass must attempt a long and difficult journey to repair her mistakes.
This re-vamped fairy tale was well-paced and lovely to read. George's writing style has evolved considerably in comparison to her "Dragon Slipper" novels. Sun & Moon, Ice & Snow reminded me a bit of Susan Fletcher's work, which I love, and yet retained its own unique style. For those who enjoy fairy tale adaptations, this is definitely one to read.
This re-vamped fairy tale was well-paced and lovely to read. George's writing style has evolved considerably in comparison to her "Dragon Slipper" novels. Sun & Moon, Ice & Snow reminded me a bit of Susan Fletcher's work, which I love, and yet retained its own unique style. For those who enjoy fairy tale adaptations, this is definitely one to read.