In this sequel to Dragon Slippers, we find Creel working as a seamstress when she receives word of a bordering country's intention to invade with an army of dragons. With this news, Creel is launched into a situation calling for all her wit, talent, and courage. With the help of her friends Marta, Prince Luka, and some assorted dragons, a frightening enemy is challenged. Will she succeed? To continue Creel's adventure, read Dragon Flight!
I didn't enjoy this book as much as the first. Part of what I loved about Dragon Slippers was the fun orginiality of the plot and the lush descriptions and focus on Creel's artisitic ability as a seamstress. Dragon Flight was more predictable and had less satisfying character and plot development. However, fans of the first book will enjoy finding out more about Creel's adventures and some of the conclusions from the first book that are included.