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Showing posts from January, 2025

Review: Stella & Marigold

  Stella & Marigold  Written by Annie Barrows  Illustrated by Sophie Blackall  San Francisco: Chronicle Books, LLC, 2024. 98 pages.  Stella and Marigold are two sisters who have quite a sisterly bond. It started when their parents brought Marigold home from the hospital, and Stella was determined to share a secret with her (without their parent’s listening). That secret was that Stella would tell Marigold “all the secret things I know.” Stella and Marigold then have many adventures. For example, in one adventure the sisters need to go on a “trip” to Japan without their parents, due to Marigold having told her class a big lie about having lived there. Or in another they need to “build a fire” in their fireplace to survive a huge winter storm (while dad is outside fixing something in the yard).  This is a delightful chapter book of stories full of love, adventure, and imagination of two sisters. Fans of books like Clementine or Ivy & Bean will want ...

Five Faves: Picture Books About Wolves

There are a lot of great picture books that have wolves in them. Wolves are beautiful, strong creatures that can also represent scary things (like in the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood). Here are five great new-ish picture books that feature wolves, for those kids who love to howl at the moon.  Full Moon Pups  Written by Liz Garton Scanlon  Illustrated by Chuck Groenink  New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2023. Picture Book. This is a beautifully illustrated story about a pack of new wolf pups and how they grow over the course of one moon’s cycle, from full moon to new moon and back again. Readers will see how the new pups don’t open their eyes for days, how they start to explore the world around them, and how the older members of the pack take care of them. The book also includes information about the phases of the moon at the end.  Little Good Wolf  By Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel  Boston: Clarion Books, An Imprint of HarperCollins Publi...

Review: Boy vs. Shark

Boy Vs. Shark By Paul Gilligan Toronto, CA: Tundra Books, 2024. Comic. 234 pages. In 1975, 10-year-old Paul is enjoying a perfect summer with his best friend David Chu. David and Paul could hardly be more different -- David is a risk taker and Paul would rather stay at home and read comics -- but they still find ways to make their friendship work. Their comfortable harmony is thrown for a loop with the arrival of two looming villains -- Swain, the meanest kid in the neighborhood, and the movie Jaws. Swain starts hanging out with David, which makes Paul start to worry about his perceived wimpiness. In an effort to prove his bravery, he asks his dad to take him to see Jaws,  the summer blockbuster horror movie that everyone is talking about, and it terrifies him. Suddenly, Paul is seeing the shark everywhere, and it starts bullying him into being more "macho" to fit in with Swain and David. Will he ever "man up"? As a reader who was not alive in the summer of 1975, I ...

If You Like Cozy Stories for Winter

 Winter picture books really bring out the magic and beauty of the snowy season with the beautiful illustrations and cozy text. There is nothing better than a good book, a cozy blanket and time spent reading together. Here is a list of winter picture books to read and enjoy during this snowy season. A Cozy Winter Day Written by Eliza Wheeler New York: Nancy Paulsen Books, 2024. Picture Book. The animals in Acorn Village are all busy doing cozy activities together. They like spending time playing outside in the snow, doing art projects, baking yummy treats, and reading cozy stories together by the fire.  The cozy winter feeling of this book will have readers wanting it to snow so they can play outside and fall asleep to the sound of softly falling snow. A perfect book to read when getting ready for a cozy winter's nap.  Winter Magic Written by Robert Burleigh Illustrated by Wendell Minor New York: Little Brown and Company, 2024. Picture Book. The coldest months of the year...

Review: Shark Teeth

Shark Teeth By Sherri Winston New York: Bloomsbury Children's Books, 2024. Fiction. 292 pages. Kita, short for Sharkita, is hoping that everything will be normal this time. Last time, Kita and her siblings, five-year-old Lilli and eight-year-old Lamar, ended up with different foster families after their mother didn't come home for nine days. Now that they're back together, Kita is holding her breath, hoping that mom will take care of them instead of drinking and partying. All this while trying to be a normal seventh-grader and handling her anxiety, which feels like a shark coming to get her. Shark Teeth  is an emotional story that is hard to read, but so uplifting. Winston's descriptions of Kita's anxiety and panic attacks feel vivid and she showcases a heartbreaking example of parentification and neglect. But though all that is hard about this book, it is balanced with light comic moments with Kita's friends and even a sweet early romance. It is empowering to w...

Display: Black Creators

  Kwame Crashes the Underworld By Craig Kofi Farmer New York: Roaring Brook Press, 2024. Fiction. 340 pages. Twelve-year-old Kwame is hurled into the Ghanaian underworld where he helps his late grandmother save humanity. --Editor More Perfect You Written by Jazmyn Simon Illustrated by Tamisha Anthony New York : Random House, 2022. Picture Book. A little girl learns to love each part of herself, from her spectacular hair to her big heart. --Editor Blue: A History of the Color as Deep as the Sea and as Wide as the Sky Written by Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond Illustrated by Daniel Minter New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2022. Picture Book. This picture book follows one color's journey throughout history--from ancient Afghan painters to 1905, when a chemical blue dye was created--and around the world, as it becomes the blue we know today. --Editor The Secret Library By Kekla Magoon Somerville, Massachusetts: Candlewick Press, 2024. Fiction. 373 pages. Finding a mysterious letter from her late Grand...

From Story Time: The Letter "O"

Preschool Time Off & Away By Cale Atkinson Los Angeles; New York: Disney-Hyperion, 2018. Picture Book. Jo fears what lives in the ocean but when her father is too ill to deliver messages in bottles, she courageously takes on the job, making new friends along the way. --Editor Preschool Time Adventures for Breakfast By Anastasiya Keegan Brooklyn, NY: POW!, 2022. Picture Book. Luna and Milo's grandmother believes that everyday should start with a hot bowl of oatmeal, but her grandchildren are tired of it. Rather than suffer through another bowl, the sneaky siblings write her a letter of apology, explaining the incredible, hair-raising, hilarious, and unbelievable occurrences that are preventing them from joining her at the breakfast table; including, suddenly being swept out to sea, getting inside a giant ant farm, and even floating adrift in space! Breakfast will never be the same, but hopefully Luna and Milo will make it back in time for lunch! --Editor Toddler Time Hey Otter! ...

De la hora del cuento: La letra "O"

  Cuentos Ricitos de cabra y los tres osos Escribido por Alicia Rodriguez Ilustrado por Srimalie Bassani New York, NY ; St. Catharines, Ontario : Crabtree Publishing Company, 2022. FĆ”cil. "Alugnas historias son demasiado largas ... algunas son demasaido cortas ... ¡pero esta historia es del tamaƱo justo! Cuando una cabra curiosa llamada Ricitos de Cabra descubre la casa de los tres osos, decide entrar ¡y usarla como si fuera suya!" -- Back cover. Cuentitos Clic, clac, muu: vacas que escriben a mĆ”quina Escribido por Doreen Cronin Ilustrado por Betsy Lewin "Las vacas del granjero Brown descubren una mĆ”quina de escribir en su establo y empiezan a hacer ultimĆ”tumes. Cuando el granjero no responde, los animales van en huelga." --Editor Otros libros sobre la letra "O" ¿Somos amigos? La oveja 19 Una gran ayuda La gran fiesta de los olores ¡Los osos no comparten!

Review: The Millicent Quibb School of Etiquette for Young Ladies of Mad Science

  The Millicent Quibb School of Etiquette for Young Ladies of Mad Science By Kate McKinnon New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2024. Fiction. 243 pages. In this middle grade book, three orphaned girls who were raised as sisters by a horrible adopted family who clearly didn't care about them, work together to save their town. Gertrude, Eugenia, and Dee-Dee have never fit into their town of Antiquarium, Rhodechussetts. In fact, due to their misadventures and crazy science experiments they've been kicked out of every etiquette school in the entire city. When they accept a strange invitation that they receive in the mail to a new etiquette school just opening up in town to avoid being sent to finishing school in Austria, they find that the school is run by none other than Millicent Quibb, a mad scientist who is blamed for everything that goes wrong in the town. They soon find, though, that things aren't exactly how they appear and they'll need to join forces with Millicent...

Five Faves: New Winter Picture Books

Picture books in a winter setting are a beloved romanticism of the genre --soft illustrations in cool palettes, carry a sense of nostalgia from our own cozy winter days.  So every year, readers can look forward to a new crop of snowy gems to appear on their bookshelves. Here are some of the notable winter picture books published in 2024:  It's Winter! By RenĆ©e Kurilla New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2024. Picture Book. Covering a variety of facets of the season, both old and new, from snow day fun to multiple holidays (like Kwanzaa, Lunar New Year, and Valentine's Day,)  It's Winter has a large inclusive scope that will serve as the perfect introductory text for preschoolers. The illustrations, in Kurilla's signature style, and sparse rhyming text will have readers coming back for more, and make possibly unfamiliar topics feel approachable. Winter Solstice Wish Written by Kate Allen Fox Illustrated by Elisa Paganelli Minneapolis, MN: Beaming Books, 2024. Picture...

Review: Before the Seed

Before the Seed: How Pollen Moves Written by Susannah Buhrman-Deever Illustrated by Gina Triplett Somerville, MA: MIT Kids Press, 2024. Informational.  This colorful picture book describes how pollen is moved from place to place by all kinds of different means. The main storyline accompanies the collage-like art, and asterisked paragraphs highlight extra interesting facts and further information about plants, their pollinators, and more. Back matter shares ideas for protecting pollinators, a glossary and bibliography, and another list of resources.  I love books that give hits of fun facts and bite-sized interesting tidbits.  Although a quick read, I learned a host of fascinating information about plants, pollen, and the pollinators who help spread nature. Before the Seed would make a great addition to an elementary classroom unit on plants, but equally great for casual readers who love quick facts and delving just a little deeper into a topic. 

If You Like...The Moon

I absolutely love the nights (and days!) when I see the moon gleaming high above us. There is something so charming and beautiful about seeing the moon positioned high in the sky. My daughter and I will watch for times when it's especially enchanting to let the other one know to go outside and take a look. If you are captivated by the moon, here are a few books that you might want to read. Thank You, Moon Written by Melissa Stewart Illustrated by Jessica Lanan New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2023. Informational. 48 pages. Melissa Stewart is one of my favorite authors for informational books. She has a talent for keeping her books interesting, engaging, and entertaining. The illustrations in this book are fabulous. Each page takes the reader to a beautiful nature scene where they learn more about how the moon is essential for plant and animal life to thrive. I adore this book!  Moonstruck: Poems About Our Moon Edited by Roger Stevens Illustrated by Ed Boxall Hereford: Otter-Barry Books, ...

Display: Express Yourself

The Concrete Garden By Bob Graham Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press, 2023. Picture Book. After a long, cold winter, doors finally open, and children spill out like candies from a box. Amanda is the last one out of the apartment building, with a carton of chalk in her hands. On every inch of the pavement outside, the children draw pictures of flowers and trees, mushrooms and snails, and a few very unexpected things. It's a concrete garden. Their creativity, unfettered in the open air, brings something beautiful, something hopeful, to the residents there, and to many more across the globe. -- Publisher. The Art Lesson By Tomie DePaola New York: Putnam, 1989. Picture Book. Having learned to be creative in drawing pictures at home, young Tommy is dismayed when he goes to school and finds the art lesson there much more regimented. --Editor Bird Boy Written by Matthew Burgess Illustrated by Shahrzad Maydani New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2021. Picture Book. A new boy nicknamed Bird Boy by tea...

De la hora del cuento: La letra "N"

  Cuentos El mejor nido Por P.D. Eastman New York : Lectorum Publications Inc., 2005. Libro FĆ”cil.  "El SeƱor y la SeƱora PĆ”jaro buscan un lugar para construir un nido pero finalmente deciden que su antigua casa es mejor." -Editor Cuentitos Me gusta la nieve Escrito por Sarah Nelson Ilustrado por Rachel Oldfield Concord, MA : Barefoot Books, 2022. Libro Ilustrado. "¿Te gusta dejar tus huellas en la nieve reciĆ©n? ¿Y atrapar los copos en tus manos extendidas? Retoza en la nieve que te deslumbra con sus centelleantes copos y se amontona a tu alrededor. Luego accurrĆŗcate con la informaciĆ³n fascinante de las notas al final del libros. ¡Brrr!" -Portada del libro Otros libros sobre la letra "N" El niƱo invisible Diez maneras de escuchar la nieve Nigel y la luna La increĆ­blemente alucinante historia de Marcial, el niƱo normal Los tres cerditos ninja

From Story Time: The Letter "N"

Preschool Time The Nowhere Box By Sam Zuppardi Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press, 2013. Picture Book. George's little brothers are real pests. They knock over his blocks, demolish his train tracks and follow him everywhere. George has had enough! He needs to go somewhere the little boys can't follow. He needs to go... Nowhere. With the help of a cardboard box, George soon manages his escape. But is Nowhere all it's cracked up to be? Author-illustrator Sam Zuppardi makes his picture-book debut in this delightful story about the power of imagination- and the versatility of the humble cardboard box. --Publisher   Preschool Time No Bunnies Here! Written by Tammi Sauer Illustrated by Ross Burach New York: Doubleday Books for Young Readers, 2022. Picture Book. A bunny tries to convince a wolf there are no bunnies around, while bunny after bunny hops into the scene. --Publisher Toddler Time Gnome By Fred Blunt Minneapolis, MN: Andersen Press USA, 2020. Picture Book.   Mr. Gnome i...

Review: How Do You Become a Mad Scientist?

How Do You Become a Mad Scientist? Written by Madeline J. Hayes Illustrated by Srimalie Bassani Franklin, TN: Flowerpot Press, 2024. Informational. Grab your lab coat and get ready for some fun! How Do You Become a Mad Scientist?  is a book that delves into the “magic” of the scientific world and the power of experimentation. Through a series of engaging questions, it invites young readers to explore the unconventional, yet always exciting life of a "mad scientist"-- including some wild experiments, unexpected discoveries, and a lot of imagination! The book's lighthearted tone and vibrant illustrations bring energy and enthusiasm to the message that, "YOU can be a scientist today (with a grown-ups approval, of course)!" As the protagonist, a quirky genius character, encourages little scientists to think outside the box, he is also teaching persistence, problem-solving, and how to ask questions. These are core principles that can inspire young minds to explore ST...

If You Like...Snowflakes

One of the prettiest things about winter are the unique snowflakes. I especially love watching giant fluffy flakes as they fall, and looking at the patterns of the ice crystals. If you like snowflakes, these books are perfect for you! The Power of Snow Written by Bob Raczka Illustrated by Bryony Clarkson Minneapolis, MN: Millbrook Press, 2023. Informational. 32 pages.  In this rhyming math primer, a single snowflake quickly morphs into a giant snowstorm! Notes demonstrate how exponents work as the number of snowflakes multiplies and the storm grows. The result of the storm is a fresh field of snow for two friends to play in together. Just One Flake By Travis Jonker New York: Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2023. Picture Book. Liam is trying his best to catch a snowflake on his tongue, but catching one proves more difficult than he expected. After several efforts to complete this mission, he is mesmerized by the beautiful pattern of the flake that lands on his glove instead. The Sno...