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Showing posts from September, 2023

From Story Time: The Letter "D"

  Toddler Time Dozens of Doughnuts Written by Carrie Finison Illustrated by Brianne Farley New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2020. Picture Book. A generous but increasingly put-upon bear makes batch after batch of doughnuts for her woodland friends without saving any for herself. --Editor Preschool Time Brian the Dancing Lion By Tom Tinn-Disbury North Mankato, Minnesota: Capstone Editions, a Capstone imprint, 2022. Picture Book. Brian the lion loves to dance, but since lions are supposed to be fierce he hides his talent from his lion friends--until they explain that they also have talents that are not particularly fierce. --Editor Preschool Time Zoogie Boogie Fever!: An Animal Dance Book By Sujean Rim New York: Orchard Books, an imprint of Scholastic Inc., 2018. Picture Book. What do the animals at the zoo do when the gates close at night? They boogie until dawn! --Publisher Book Babies Nana's Garden Written by Larissa Juliano Illustrated by Francesca De Luca New York: Clever Publ...

Review: A Bit of Earth

A Bit of Earth  By Karuna Riazi  New York: Greenwillow Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2023. 356 pages.  In this retelling of The Secret Garden , Maria Latif is left in Long Island with the family of a friend of her late parents. She is just as prickly and frustrated by her circumstances as the original Mary. Maria came from Pakistan (and other places as she was shipped around to different family and friends after her parents died) and misses things about her parents and where she grew up. When Maria discovers a locked-up garden in the back of the estate, she wants to start gardening to bring it back to life. With an updated location, modern amenities (there are cell phones and online schooling,) as well as the great addition of Pakistani culture, this is sure to please many young readers.

Five Faves: Not Too Scary Picture Books for Halloween

Some kids love being spooked. They think it's funny when things jump out at them from around the corner and they think the idea of monsters is neat. When I was a child I absolutely hated being scared. The Haunted Mansion at Disneyland made me cry. So, I would have loved the books on this list. On theme for the holiday, but not too spooky! Witch and Wombat By Ashley Belote New York: Random House, 2023. Picture Book. Wilma is so excited to get her very first cat. She's been looking forward to this day forever, but when she arrives at the pet store, they are all out of cats. Instead, Wilma takes home a wombat friend. She's hoping that if she puts ears on him and teaches him how to be a good cat, no one will notice the difference. It's just too bad that Wombat can't perch on a cauldron and hates riding on brooms. Eventually, Wombat runs away which helps Wilma understand that sometimes the things that make us different are also the things that make us special. Bruce and ...

Review: The Bawk-Ness Monster

  The Bawk-Ness Monster By Sara Goetter and Natalie Riess New York: First Second, 2023. Comics. 205 pages.  The Bawk-Ness Monster  is the kickoff to a new graphic novel series called Cryptid Kids that follows three children on a quest to find Bessie (as she's lovingly called) a hybrid chicken/sea serpent creature that lives in nearby Lake Bockamixon. Penny, our main heroine, was rescued by Bessie after she fell into the lake years earlier. Now, with an imminent move Penny wants to see Bessie and thank her one last time. Penny is joined by her two friends, Luc, an overly prepared skeptic, and K, a budding cryptozoologist. What starts as a simple mission soon evolves into something more when they are mistakenly captured alongside Bessie and taken to the underwater lair of a nefarious businesswoman named Alvida Scales. Not only has the wicked monster-hunter captured Bessie, but also a whole menagerie of other cryptid creatures. Now, Penny, Luc, and K are determined to free a...

If You Like...Name Books

One of the most common questions asked is, "What's your name?" Your name is a gift you are given when you are born, and whether you like your name or not, your name is how the world will identify you. Your name can also reveal details about your culture, ethnicity, or background and ultimately your name helps you develop your sense of self. Here are some name books that celebrate names, cultures and you. My Name  Written by Supriya Kelkar Illustrated by Sandhya Prabhat New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2023. Picture Book. A young Indian American boy is excited for his first day of school, but when kids at school mispronounce his name and then giggle, his excitement dims. He goes home from school discouraged and sad. His parents remind him of how special he is and that his name is a reflection of his family and culture. The young boy returns to school the next day proud of who he is and determined to teach others how to say his name respectfully and correctly.  A perfect boo...

Review: Mermaid and Pirate

Mermaid and Pirate Written by Tracy Baptiste Illustrated by Leisl Adams Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Algonquin Young Readers, 2023. Picture Book. In this charming picture book, a mermaid and a pirate meet each other after a terrible storm causes the pirate to accidentally catch the mermaid. As they try to communicate with each other, the pirate only hears "glub" and the mermaid only hears "aargh." They both help each other out of sticky situations and become lifelong friends. This book was so cute, and I appreciated the representation and diversity in the characters. The story is somewhat similar to other mermaid stories, but the illustrations are beautiful and unique. The characters show that despite their differences and language barrier, kindness and friendship are universal. This picture book would be a great read-aloud, and one to share with the whole family. Any pirate or mermaid lover will definitely want to read this one!

Display: Influential Hispanic American Voices

Shakira By Ma Isabel SĆ”nchez Vegara Beverly, MA: Frances Lincoln Childrens' Books, 2023. Informational.  As a child, Shakira was obsessed with singing, writing songs, and dancing whenever she could. She recorded her first album at the age of 13 and soon became a star, winning many awards and creating hits enjoyed by people everywhere. With her fame, she started a foundation to help children in developing countries across the world. This amazing story of the Latin-American icon features a fact and photo section at the back. --Editor Sonia Sotomayor Written by Meg Medina Illustrated by  Gillian Flint New York Philomel Books, 2021. Informational. 52 pages. Sonia Sotomayor is the first Latina Supreme Court Justice in the history of the United States, but her road there wasn't easy. She overcame many challenges along the way, including a diagnosis of diabetes at age seven. But, she didn't let that stop her from achieving her dream and inspiring children all over the world to w...

From Story Time: The Letter "C"

  Toddler Time There's a Cow in My Bed Written by Daniel Fehr Illustrated by Jorge Martin Madrid: NubeOcho, 2023. Picture Book. When a little girl goes to bed, she finds a rather big problem -- there's a cow in her bed! When her father goes to her room, the cow has gone and her father tells her to go to sleep. Later on that night, the cow comes back, together with a card-playing duck and a counting elephant! Is the little girl just stalling? Either way, it looks like no one is getting much sleep tonight! --Publisher Preschool Time Gus and the Greatest Catch of All By Victoria Cossack Salem, MA: Page Street Kids, an imprint of Page Street Publishing Co., 2019. Picture Book. Gus, the best fisherman in town, calls the press and tries to break his record but, instead, discovers that having friends is more fulfilling than fame. --Editor Preschool Time How to Catch a Clover Thief By Elise Parsley New York : Little, Brown and Company, 2021. Picture Book.  When a wild boar with a pass...

Five Faves: National Ice Cream Scoop Day

Today is National Ice Cream Scoop Day! So grab and cone and one of these books to celebrate!  Pick Me!   By Max Amato  New York : Scholastic Press, 2022. Picture Book  Bean, Cotton Candy, Fudge, Mint and Very Berry compete against each other to be picked by the reader until Rocky Road shows up with a bite taken out of him. Panic sets in when they realize what getting chosen means.     Once Upon a Unicornā€™s Horn   By Beatrice Blue  Boston ; New York : Clarion Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2020. Picture Book  June finds tiny horses learning to fly in the magical forest by her house. One little horse is unable to fly, and June is determined to help. Despite trying what seems like everything, the day ends, and the little horse is still unable to fly. June doesnā€™t give up and with the help of her parents, she learns that the magic was deep inside all along.   Keith the Cat with the Magic Hat   By Sue Hendra...

Review: The Islands of Elsewhere

The Islands of Elsewhere By Heather Fawcett New York: Rocky Pond Books, 2023. Fiction. 220 pages. The Snolly family has relocated to live with their ill grandfather for the summer, but the sisters are worried about what will happen to Granddaddy when they return to the city in the fall. When they hear local legends about a missing treasure their pirate great-great-grandmother might have hidden on the family's seaside property, they are determined to find the treasure to help their grandfather. Each of the sisters has a unique set of interests: Hattie, the oldest, is interested in art and has a fixation on collecting money but never spending it; the middle sister, Bee, loves studying plants and collecting useful items to keep in her beloved backpack; the youngest sister, Plum, dresses in detailed costumes and imagines she becomes the role she is dressed up as. Readers will delight in the girls' vibrant personalities. The hint of magic that hovers over the story will give fantasy...

Review: The Probability of Everything

The Probability of Everything By Sarah Everett New York: Clarion Books, 2023. Fiction. 326 pages. 11-year-old Nigerian American Kemi is something of a scientist. She loves learning about math and science and for her, knowing the probability that something will happen gives her great peace. Except there are only four days left until the end of the world. An asteroid is on course to collide with Earth and there is an 84.7% chance that the world will be destroyed. Remarkably calm in the face of calamity, Kemi decides to create a time capsule and she begins to collect the most important things that belong to her family hoping that their memory will survive after they're gone. She is especially stumped trying to help her dad find the perfect thing, he had recently left his time consuming job to find his real passion and the family move to a predominately white neighborhood has caused friction with some unwelcoming neighbors. As the end of the world comes closer and closer, it seems like...

Review: Bigfoot and Nessie: The Art of Getting Noticed

Bigfoot and Nessie: The Art of Getting Noticed Written by Chelsea M. Campbell Illustrated by Laura Knetzger Penguin Workshop, 2023. Comics. 62 pages. Bigfoot is the sole member of his family to fail at the art of getting spotted.  Try as he might, he gets looked over time and again.  This lack of attention makes Bigfoot feel as though he's not as talented as the rest of his family.  All that begins to change, though, when he meets a new friend, Nessie.  Nessie encourages Bigfoot to try new things and do things for the love and fun of it, not because of what other people might think.   I'm a life-time cryptid lover, so a friendship duo between Bigfoot and Nessie got me excited.  The illustrations for this younger grade comic are colorful and charming and my favorite part of the book, particularly the wordless panels showing Bigfoot and Nessie trying out new hobbies.  A cute, quick read that teaches readers that fame is overrated and that real frien...

Smile Read Alikes

Smile is a fun coming of age graphic novel that many readers have grown to love. It tells the story of the author's life and experiences while she was in middle school. Raina went through many of the same experiences that other 6th graders go through along with some unique ones as well. If you loved Smile  here are some other fun graphic novels that you will also enjoy!   Squished Written by Megan Wagner Lloyd Illustrated by Michelle Mee Nutter New York, NY: Graphix, an imprint of Scholastic, 2023. Comics. 243 pages. Avery is part of a big family which means that being at home can be a bit chaotic. She is tired of always feeling squished and wants her own room to be able to have a space all her own. Avery comes up with a plan to be able to make this dream happen! The family dynamics explored in this comic are very similar to Raina's relationship with her siblings and parents in Smile . The Tryout Written by Christina Soontornvat Illustrated by Joanna Cacao New York, NY: Graph...

Display: Football

Gridiron: Stories from 100 Years of the National Football League Written by Fred Bowen Illustrated by James Ransome New York: Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2020. Informational. 99 pages. The National Football league is the most popular sports league in the United States. It's championship Game, the Super Bowl, is watched by millions of people every year. But it wasn't always like this. In the last 100 years, football changed from a poorly organized, often overlooked sport to America's favorite pastime. Here are the stories of that remarkable transformation. The stories of the greatest players, the most successful coaches, the most memorable games-and the amazing plays that made us gasp as we watched them in stadiums and on televisions all over America. --Publisher The NFL Encyclopedia for Kids Written by Brendan Flynn Minneapolis, Minnesota: Abdo Reference, an imprint of Abdo Publishing, 2022. Informational. 192 pages. Alongside both historic and recent photographs, readers ...

From Story Time: The Letter "B"

Toddler Time Big Brown Bear's Cave By Yuval Zommer Somerville, Massachusetts: Templar Books, an imprint of Candlewick Press, 2018. Picture Book.  A bear sees that humans fill their garages, or "caves," with things and he decides to do the same, until there is no room for him to even move around in his cave home. --Editor Preschool Time Chickadee: Criminal Mastermind Written by Monica Silvie Illustrated by Elina Ellis Toronto, ON: Kids Can Press, 2022. Picture Book. Watch out on your next walk through the forest, because you just might encounter a real rapscallion in the form of a tiny bird! In this hilarious tale, Chickadee recounts how he went from a normal bird 'childhood' to a daring life of crime. One cold, snowy morning, shivering and hungry, he discovers a vault of gold -- and steals from it! His natural colouring resembling a mask helps him blend in as he makes his rounds of the forest. It's an exciting life, with hawks to fend off and treasure to hide ...