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Showing posts from July, 2021

From Story Time: Summer Reading Week #8

  Read at Stories in the Park Edwina: The Dinosaur Who Didn't Know She Was Extinct By Mo Willems Hyperion Books for Children, 2006.  Picture Book. Everyone in town loves Edwina, a fun-loving dinosaur who makes scrumptious chocolate cookies, helps old ladies, and plays with the children, with the exception of Reginald Von Hoobie-Doobie who is determined to prove that dinosaurs are extinct!  --Publisher Read at Stories in the Park Dinosaurs Love Underpants Written by Claire Freedman Illustrated by Ben Cort Aladdin, 2010.  Picture Book. The mystery of dinosaur extinction is solved! Scientists have plenty of theories about why dinosaurs are extinct, but the UKā€™s bestselling author/illustrator team of Claire Freedman and Ben Cort knows the real answer: The dinos were wiped out in an Underpants War! This wacky celebration of underpants is perfect for reading aloud, and the hilarious antics of T. rex and the gang are endlessly entertaining. Featuring fun, vibrant art and sh...


Sheepish: (Wolf Under Cover) Written and Illustrated By Helen Yoon Candlewick Press, 2021. Picture Book.  Get ready for lots of laughs in this adorable, hilarious picture book! What better way to get sheep for dinner than to disguise yourself as one and infiltrate the flock? That is exactly what one wolf decides to do. He will play with the sheep, eat with the sheep, read stories to the sheep, and THEN (when they are least expecting it) he will EAT the sheep! Bwahahahaha! But things don't always go as we plan them. And things certainly donā€™t go according to plan for the wolf (as they seldom do for wolves in picture books). But I wonā€™t spoil the whole story for you. To find out what happens, you'll need to read this enchantingly humorous picture book (perfect for ages 3-7) for yourself. The quirky drawings with sharp edges are fantastic and fit the story so well. I also love how the text is said exclusively by the wolf. It reminds me of stories like Donā€™t Let the Pigeon Driv...

Harry Potter Birthday Bash Ideas!

If you love Harry Potter or just want an excuse to throw a party, look no further! From Harry Potter inspired recipes, to fun activities for the family, to background music and more, our list will help you throw an epic birthday bash for Harry this month. Decorations and Music -Any good party must first set the mood! Setting the stage for your party doesn't have to be time consuming or expensive. Try playing a soundtrack from one of the Harry Potter movies in the background. Blow up white balloons (or get them at your local grocery store blown up with helium) and draw an owl on the front of each balloon.  A quick search on google will give you some simple drawings to follow.  Do you have any potted plants at home, real or fake?  Add a sign to the front of the pot that says "Danger!  Adult Mandrakes!  Handle with Caution!" A few sheets of felt can be purchased at any craft store for a couple of dollars and can be made into simple house pendants in the different H...

Five Faves: Sports Books to Read if You Love the Olympics

After a long, COVID-delayed wait, we are so excited to have the Olympics back! Because I was a little kid growing up in Utah when the Olympics came to Salt Lake City, I always get very invested in the Olympics -- it's something I look forward to for years! I'm always eager to keep the Olympic spirit going, and if your family feels the same, here are some great sport-centric picture books to keep the Olympic flame alive in your home! She's Got This By Laurie Hernandez Illustrated by Nina Mata New York: Harper, 2018. Olympic gold medalist Laurie Hernandez, part of the final five Gymnastics team at the 2016 Rio Olympics, shares important life lessons about following your dreams -- even when it gets a little scary. She Persisted in Sports: American Olympians Who Changed the Game By Chelsea Clinton Illustrated by Alexandra Boiger New York: Philomel Books, 2020. Part of the popular "She Persisted" series, this illustrated book shares inspirational stories of American wo...

Dumplings For Lili

Dumplings For Lili Written by Melissa Iwai Norton Young Readers, 2021. Picture Book. Lili loves to make dumplings with her Nai Nai. Her grandmother has taught her all the secrets for making delicious baos, from kneading the dough to making the filling that goes inside. One day Nai Nai and Lili are busy making dumplings when Nai Nai discovers that they are out of cabbage. She asks Lili to run up to the sixth floor of their apartment building and borrow some cabbage from a friend. Babica is happy to share some of her cabbage but she needs some potatoes so she asks Lili to go ask Granma on the second floor for some potatoes. Lili goes up and down the stairs taking ingredients to six different grandmothers until finally a very tired Lili returns to her apartment to help finish their dumplings  When all the food is ready six grandmothers bring the delicious food outside to celebrate the arrival of Lili's new baby brother.  This charming story introduces the reader to different cult...

Five Favorite Aunt and Uncle Books

  Aunt and Uncle Day I discovered a new holiday. Apparently, July 26th is National Aunt and Uncle Day! In order to celebrate this day, I am sharing my five favorite middle grade books that have stellar aunts and uncles. Now, due to a lot of various circumstances, these books have a lot of hard things (death of a parent, parental neglect, and one case of good parents sending their child off to visit an uncle during summer vacation). So, be aware that these titles not only showcase some amazing aunts and uncles, but they also open the door to talk about hard topics.  Closer to Nowhere  By Ellen Hopkins  Putnamā€™s Sons, 2020.  This book is actually told from two different points of viewā€”Hannah and Calā€™s; however, the two protagonists are cousins. Cal comes to live with Hannahā€™s family and Hannahā€™s momā€”Calā€™s auntā€”becomes Calā€™s support and champion. Calā€™s mom died and his dad is in prison. Cal is in a family foster care situation and doesnā€™t feel like he belongs. Hann...

From Story Time: Summer Reading Week 7

Read at Stories in the Park Go Go Gorillas: A Romping Bedtime Tale Written by Patrick Wensink Illustrated by Nate Wragg HarperCollins Publishers, 2017.  Picture Book. Ever wonder who the life of the safari is? It's go-go-gorillas! All safari guide Jungle Jed wants is for the gorillas to go to sleep, but after they brush their teeth and comb their fur, it's an all-out jungle boogie, complete with baby gorilla doing the robot. Brought to life with colorful and dynamic illustrations by Nate Wragg and bouncy text by Patrick Wensink, Go Go Gorillas is the perfect read-aloud. Fans of Giraffes Can't Dance will giggle along at the silly antics of these not-so-sleepy gorillas in this lively, rhyming bedtime tale.  --Publisher Read at Stories in the Park It's a Tiger! Written by David LaRochelle Illustrated by Jeremy Tankard Chronicle Books, 2012.  Picture Book. Kids and parents alike will rejoice in this lively read-aloud picture book, as the main character runs into (and away...

Film vs. Book: 5 Great Book to Movie Adaptations

Which do you like better? The book or the movie? Most of the time, I think the book is better. However, there are those rare occasions when I actually love the movie version just as much as the book-- or maybe even more! Here are some of my favorite book to movie adaptations.  The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe I think Disney did a fabulous job with this movie . Is everything just like it is in the book? No. But the actors do a fantastic job and the film follows the book quite well. Plus, the music score is beautiful.  How to Train Your Dragon Although the only similarity between the book and movie are the characters' names, the movie is incredible. DreamWorks did a fantastic job of capturing the bond between Hiccup and Toothless the dragon, and (do I dare say it?) they might have even improved upon the story. Holes I was surprised by how good this book to film was. The actors did a wonderful job, and the movie followed the book almost exactly! It was fun to see one of my...

Daughter of the White Rose

Daughter of the White Rose By Diane Zahler New York: Holiday House, 2021. Fiction. 246 pgs. 12-year-old Nell Gould is born a commoner in London in 1426, in the midst of England's Wars of the Roses. Nell, the daughter of the royal butcher, is born on the same day as Prince Edward -- called Ned -- the future King of England, and the two grow up as close friends and companions. When Ned is sent away from London to learn to become King, Nell decides to pursue an education so that she may write letters to her friend. Years later, Ned's father King Edward IV dies and Ned's uncle, scheming to become King Richard III, imprisons Ned and his younger brother Dickon in the Tower of London with Nell and her younger brother as company. This fictionalized telling of a historical story builds to a tragic ending. Readers who know their English history will be familiar with the tragic story of the princes in the Tower and will see the ending coming: the princes are murdered by their scheming...

Five Favorite Book Covers

 Judging a book by it's cover is usually frowned upon, but a beautiful cover is what draws me to a book. I love a good book cover it's like the first bite of a delicious story, and once you have taken that first bite you want to devour the whole thing. Here are some of my favorite book covers from this year. Alone By Megan E. Freeman New York, NY : Aladdin, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division 2021. Fiction. I love this cover because of the light coming through the trees and reflecting off of the snow. You can feel the quiet and solitude just from the picture. The scene creates a feeling of loneliness with the single character and her dog. The art conveys a somber feeling and gives you a taste of what someone alone in a rugged wilderness would experience. The Sea In Winter By Christine Day New York, NY : Heartdrum, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 2021. Fiction. The contrast of the cold blue tones and the red jacket immediately caught my e...

The Capybaras

  The Capybaras   By Alfredo Soderguit  An Aldana Libros Book, Greystone Kids, 2021. Picture Book. Originally published in Spanish in 2020.  If you are looking for a gorgeously illustrated book and a fun story, this may be the next picture book for you. In this tale there are a bunch of chickens who like things the way they are. Life is predictable and fineā€¦until the day the capybaras come. The capybaras are there to hide from the hunters; however, the chickens arenā€™t sure they want them around either. Most of the illustrations are in browns and blacks and whites with a spot color of red with the chickenā€™s wattles or the hunterā€™s hats or the roof of the chicken coop. This is a stunning picture book that has a fun ending. Readers of all agesā€”but especially readers who love animalsā€”will enjoy this fine tale.

Display: Minh LĆŖ

Green Lantern: Legacy Written by Minh LĆŖ Illustrated by Andie Tong DC Comics, 2020.  Graphic Novel. When thirteen-year-old Tai Pham inherits his grandmother's jade ring, he soon finds out he has been inducted into a group of space cops known as the Green Lanterns. Lift Written by Minh LĆŖ Illustrated by Dan Santat Disney-Hyperion, 2020.  Picture Book. From the award-winning and bestselling creators of Drawn Together comes the fantastic tale of a magical elevator that will lift your spirits--and press all the right buttons! Iris loves to push the elevator buttons in her apartment building, but when it's time to share the fun with a new member of the family, she's pretty put out. That is, until the sudden appearance of a mysterious new button opens up entire realms of possibility, places where she can escape and explore on her own. But when she's forced to choose between going at it alone or letting her little brother tag along, Iris finds that sharing a discovery...

From Story Time: Summer Reading Week 6

Read at Stories in the Park Roo Knows Blue By RenĆ©e Treml Puffin Books, 2020.  Picture Book. Who knows blue? Roo knows blue! But does Roo know other colors too? Sing along with Roo and Possum as they practice their colors.  --Publisher Read at Stories in the Park I Don't Like Koala Written by Sean Ferrell Illustrated by Charles Santoso Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2015.  Picture Book. What's not to love about a cute, cuddly...creepy toy koala? This is the story of a boy and the stuffed animal he just can't seem to shake. Adam does not like Koala. Koala is a little creepy. Adam tries explaining this to his parents. He tries putting Koala away--far away. He tries taking Koala on a long, long walk. Nothing works. Will Adam ever be rid of Koala? This darkly funny debut picture book from Sean Ferrell and Charles Santoso celebrates imagination and bravery while addressing a universal childhood dilemma: what to do about that one stuffed animal who just won't stop stari...

The Wild World Handbook

  The Wild World Handbook By Andrea Debbink Quirk Books, 2021. I know that even as adults, the thought of taking care of our earth is a little daunting. This books makes it clear that with a bit of education and the simplest action, we can all help to preserve the beauty of the plant we live on. This kid-friendly handbook teaches about nine different habitats. My favorite part is the diversity of the information about each habitat. The author discusses facts and mysteries about these places as well as people who contributed to the preservation of the nature and animals. Each habitat chapter also includes a craft and easy tips for stepping into your stewardship. There is so much hope and encouragement on these pages. This book is chalked full of information and your little earth-lovers will pour over this book for hours.

Ice Cream Picture Books

July is National Ice Cream Month and who doesn't love ice cream? With the endless amount of flavors to choose from and toppings you can add, there is something for everyone. With it being so hot outside lately, the best way to cool off is with a frozen treat. To celebrate, here are a few newer picture books that highlight ice cream and other frozen treats!  Paletero Man Written by Lucky Diaz Illustrated by Micah Player New York, NY : Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 2021. Picture Book. A young boy sets out with his dinero, his money, on a hot day to go and buy a paletero, a fruit or ice cream bar. Along his way he is greeted by members of the community. When he arrives at the cart of the Paletero Man, he discovers he has lost his money! This bilingual picture book is beautifully illustrated and has a fun message of kindness. Vanilla Bean: A Story About Trying New Things By Katie Turner Rolling Meadows, Illinois : Cottage Door Press, 2021. Picture Book. A picky pup nam...