Read in Monday Book Babies Spring Babies Written by Kathryn O. Galbraith Illustrated by Adela Pons Peachtree Petite, 2018. Small Picture Book. An endearing board book with adorable babies on the go during the spring season! Spirited, rhyming text and colorful, graphic art reveal an energetic cast of babies having an action-packed day of play in the park on a cheerful spring day. Featuring diverse characters and highlighting early concepts like shapes and repetition, books in the Babies in the Park series encourage an appreciation of nature and outdoor imaginative play. --Publisher Read in Monday Cuentos Valentina y la dragona Por Lucia Serrano Picarona, 2019. Spanish Picture Book. Ā”Una nueva versiĆ³n de la leyenda de Sant Jordi! TenĆ©is en vuestras manos una leyenda que ha permanecido en el olvido a lo largo de los tiempos: La verdadera historia de Valentina y la Dragona. Abrid bien vuestros ojos y oĆdos. Cerrad la boca, qu...
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