Strange Creatures: The Story of Walter Rothschild and His Museum
written and illustrated by Lita Judge
unpaged picture book biography
New York, N.Y. : Disney/Hyperion, c2011
"He was nearly the richest boy in the world, but that's not what made him unusual". Walter's father was the Queen of England's banker in the mid 1800's. He fully expected Walter to follow in his footsteps. Painfully shy young Walter had other ideas. He was most comfortably at home in the gardens, collecting a variety of wildlife. When he was only seven-years-old, his governess took him to see a circus parade. This was Walter's first exposure to exotic animals: "He was so excited, his feet hopped, his knees wobbled, and words started swarming in his mind". Thus began his dreams for his own museum with live animals as well as animal specimens. No matter what his parents said, Walter continued to plan and acquire a vast collection of creatures. His father eventually had his way and Walter was tucked away in the family business, yet Walter never lost his ambition. This beautifully illustrated picture book biography shows the reader that dreams really can come true! A fabulous look into an otherwise unknown life.