Giant Squid: Searching for a Sea Monster
by Mary M. Cerullo and Clyde F. E. Roper
Capstone, 2012. 48 pgs. Nonfiction.
A lot of what we know about giant squid has come from cutting open dead whales. Giant squid live so deep in the ocean that for a long time all that was known about them was from seafaring legends, squid bodies washed up on beaches, and the remains of the squids themselves (particularly their beaks) found in whales' stomachs. Clyde Roper, co-author of this book, is a research zoologist a the Smithsonian institution specializing in large mollusks. From him we learn that giant squid have the largest eyeballs (the size of car headlights) of any animal on earth, and that giant squid are not good to eat. Tsunemi Kubodera, a Japanese researcher, was the first to photograph a giant squid alive in the deep ocean; his pictures were released in 2005 and some are shown in this book. Pictures and text in Giant Squid . . . combine to give youngsters a fascinating look at deep sea life, and of one of the most amazing "sea monsters" of all.