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Showing posts from March, 2025

Review: Between My Hands

Between My Hands Written by Mitali Perkins Illustrated by Naveen Selvanathan New York, NY : Farrar, Straus, Giroux Books for Young Readers, 2024. Picture Book. Family and community are two of life's greatest treasures. This delightful book highlights the beauty of both of these things. Sweet, young Maya misses her grandfather who is far away in another country. Even though he's not around, his words of wisdom are constantly in Maya's mind. He would often ask her, "What's between your hands when you namaste the world?" While Maya is missing her grandfather, she is going about her daily life and trying to come up with the answer to her grandfather's question. During the course of her day, a wide variety of people in Maya's community need help from her. She is quite willing to go and help the people around her. During her interactions with these people, she often asks them what is between their hands when they namaste. She gets lots of different answers ...

De la hora del cuento: La letra "T"

  Cuentos Dos tortugas y un sombrero Por Jon Klassen Madrid: NubeOcho, 2021. Libro ilustrado. "Dos tortugas encuentran un sombrero, pero ellas son dos y solo hay un sombrero ... Con un brillante sentido del humor, Klassen nos narra una historia donde las miradas de las tortugas son las protagonistas." --Editor Cuentitos El pez pucheros Escrito por Deborah Diesen Ilustrado por Dan Hanna New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2016. PequeƱo libro ilustrado. "A veces todo lo que se necesita es un beso"--Page 4 of cover. "Swim along with the Pout-Pout fish as he discovers that being glum and spreading "dreary wearies" isn't really his destiny." --Editor Otros libros sobre la letra "T" TiburĆ³n Grande, TiburĆ³n PequeƱo Topito terremoto El rugido Martina tiene muchas tĆ­as ¡Vamos!: Vamos a comer

From Story Time: The Letter "T"

  Preschool Time How to Talk Like a Bear Written by Charlie Grandy Illustrated by Alex G. Griffiths New York: Flamingo Books, 2023. Picture Book. A young bear gives instructions on how to talk like a bear, which is far more than just growling and roaring. --Editor Preschool Time Don't Think of Tigers By Alex Latimer New York: Random House Children's Books, 2024. Picture Book. Readers are invited to imagine anything they desire, with the promise that the illustrator will bring it to life on the next page--except for tigers! --Editor Toddler Time Tiny Little Fly Written by Michael Rosen  Illustrated by Kevin Waldron  Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press, 2010. Picture Book. With a tramp and a roll and a swat, Great Big Elephant, Great Big Hippo, and Great Big Tiger try to capture Tiny Little Fly as he teases each one in turn. --Editor Book Babies I Miss Your Sunny Smile Written by Deb Adamson Illustrated by Anne Zimanski Cincinnati, OH: blue manatee press, 2021. Board Book. I m...