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Showing posts from December, 2021

Make Meatballs Sing: The Life and Art of Sister Corita Kent

Make Meatballs Sing: The Life and Art of Sister Corita Kent Written by Matthew Burgess Illustrated by Kara Kramer Brooklyn, New York : Enchanted Lion Books, 2021. Biography. Sister Corita Kent received her first art lesson when she was in 6th grade and from then on, art was just a part of who she was. She became a nun as an adult and began teaching at the Immaculate Heart College, transforming the entire art department with her unique methods. A word that she created and used frequently in her teaching was, plork, which is a combination of play and work. She believed that both elements are important when creating great art! Corita used her art as a way to speak out against the injustices that she saw in the world. She believed that art and activism go hand in hand.  This picture book biography tells the story of Sister Corita Kent in a way that is appealing to elementary-aged children. The illustrations are engaging, vibrant, and have Corita's work incorporated throughout. It is po...

Favorite Duos for Early Readers

Duos have always been a classic in children's literature. Those who are older probably remember iconic duos such as Frog and Toad, Henry and Mudge, or Calvin and Hobbs. Some of you probably still pass on your love for these characters onto those younger than you, keeping them popular even now. There are many great best friend duos in recent children's literature too though and I am here to share these new friends with you.  Okay, lets start with one you probably already know. Narwhal and Jelly . If you haven't read up on these fun playmates yet, don't let another opportunity pass you up. These books mostly take the form of children's comics, BUT there are some great new board books that have released in the last couple of years that you should also check out if you haven't had the chance, called Bubbles and Blankie . Remaining in the world of young children's comics comes another fun duo favorite of mine,  Fox and Rabbit . These two adorable friends explor...

Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld

Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld By Shannon & Dean Hale Illustrated by Asiah Fulmore Burbank, CA: DC Comics, 2021. Comic book. Amaya, the spoiled princess of House Amethyst in the planet known as Gemworld, finds herself literally grounded after a prank goes too far. The royal family of House Amethyst have magical powers that they use to help those in their kingdom, but Amaya, whose powers are extra-strong, is more interested in playing pranks and showing off her abilities. To teach her a lesson about using magic responsibly, Amaya's parents decide to send her to Earth for a week to live without magic. Unfortunately, the longer Amaya spends off-planet and away from Gemworld, the more she forgets about the life she left behind. Soon, years pass by and Amaya, now called Amy, has completely forgotten about her home until a Prince of the Realm from Gemworld finds her and brings her home. This is a compelling and original fantasy-based superhero narrative that readers will really enjoy...

Salt Magic

  Salt Magic Written by Hope Larson Illustrated by Rebecca Mock Margaret Ferguson Books/Holiday House, 2021. Graphic Novel. Vonceil is twelve years-old and her older brother, Elber, has just returned home after serving for two years in the war. Vonceil and her brother have always had a close relationship but he isn't the same after the war, he has become dull and serious. Elber and his girlfriend Amelia quickly marry and soon after the wedding a beautiful French woman comes into town. This mysterious woman in white, asks Elber to leave his new bride and go away with her but Elber refuses. After being spurned the woman casts a spell on the family spring, the only source of water in the area, and turns it into salt water. Vonceil is determined to save the family farm and their spring so she sets out on a quest to break the curse. The journey will stretch Vonceil in ways she cannot imagine and along the way she will learn what it means to grow up  The artwork in this novel is stu...

A Candy Cane Booklist

 One of the favorite things to eat this time of year (at least in my house) are candy canes. The kids I know and love tend to get especially excited about the idea of eating the red and white sugary treat that is shaped like a shepherdā€™s crook. Now I know that books at the library arenā€™t something to eat (unless you are a baby who tends to eat everythingā€¦); however, they can be a treat to read with a loved one. Also, there are a lot of fun picture books with red and white covers that have come out this past year. Therefore, I have made a list of five favorite picture books with red or white coversā€”and put them in candy cane color order as if they were a booklist treat for the holidays. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!  This is a Dog Book!  Written by Judith Henderson  Illustrated by Julien Chung Toronto, ON : Kids Can Press, 2021. This is a cute book all about dogsā€”though a bunny wearing a striped shirt wants to be included as well.  The Longer the Wait t...

Five Faves: Unusual Pet Picture Books

One of the funniest Christmas songs in my opinion is I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas . Who sees a hippo and thinks, I want that guy as a pet? Well, following this Christmas spirit, here are some other unusual pets in fun picture books that you might want to consider for your pet possibilities.  How to Walk a Dump Truck Written by Peter Pearson Illustrated by Mircea Catusanu Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 2019. Picture Book. A dump truck can make a great pet if you know how to take care of it, so here is your guide to being a great pet owner of your very own dump truck! This book is humorous and delightful for children, following familiar tips for pet owners everywhere.  Invent-a-Pet Written by Vicky Fang Illustrated by Tidawan Thaipinnarong Sterling Children's Books, 2020. Picture Book.  Katie wants a pet, but not just any pet. She won't settle for anything too ordinary. She needs something special. When she is given a machine that lets her i...

Escape: One Day We Had to Run

  Escape: One Day We Had to Run By Ming and Wah Illustrated by Carmen Vela Lanta Publishing, 2021. Informational. This collection of true stories highlights individuals throughout the ages who have had to flee their homes and sometimes their country to find safety.  Some flee because of war and political upheaval, others climate change, still others because of famine or intolerance.  Each of the twelve stories begins with a verb that describes the person's flight. Although each story was very short (only a page), they really packed an emotional punch.  It made me very grateful for my living situation.  It also inspired me to look at ways I can support refugees today.  This would be a great book to share in a classroom or in the home, as the stories within facilitate discussions about people and places throughout the world that kids may not know about.  And any book that motivates it's readers to do good is a win in my eyes, and this one does just that....

New Year's Resolutions

I know, I know, how can we possibly be talking about New Year's resolutions when Christmas is still, at the time of this post being published, just a day or two away? But it is coming and there's not a thing we can do about it!  Sorry. What we CAN do is meet it with resolutions--preferably resolutions we can actually keep! While I'm definitely not the poster child for resolution follow through, I do have a few ideas to hopefully make your New Year's Resolutions more enjoyable and easier to maintain. 1. Make it fun!    I sometimes feel like we wield resolution making as a tool for self-flagellation; why aren't I better at all the things?! Goals don't have to make you miserable and those are the ones that tend to get dropped in a hurry, anyway.  Choosing things you're excited about will make it easier to follow through on them. Ideas might include checking out a museum in your area, planning a monthly get together with friends, finally taking that class about ...

Daughter of the Deep

Daughter of the Deep By Rick Riordan Los Angeles: Disney-Hyperion, 2021. Fiction. Ana Dakkar is a freshman at the prestigious Harding-Pencroft Academy, whose graduates go on to become the best marine biologists, naval commanders, and ocean explorers in the world. The school and its coursework are rigorous, especially the freshman end-of-year trials that involve a weekend field trip and a lot of secrecy. As soon as Ana and her classmates depart for this trial, the receive the horrifying news that Harding-Pencroft Academy has been destroyed by a rival school -- the dubious Land Institute. Now, Ana and her freshman classmates are the only survivors and the new guardians of a secret legacy. Ana and her friends soon learn that the events depicted in Jules Verne's 19th-century novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea were all true, and Ana herself is descended from the legendary Captain Nemo.   This standalone science-fiction novel from Rick Riordan has immediate appeal to readers who have enj...

Curious Reads

 Are you a budding scientist or amateur historian who is curious about the world? If you are, you will enjoy this list of  new informational books that are full of facts about people and places as well as new discoveries.  African Icons Written by Tracey Baptiste Algonquin Books of Chapeel Hill, 2021. Informational. Head out on a journey to Africa and meet ten historical leaders who helped Africa become the country that it is today. Learn about leaders such as Menes who unified upper and lower Egypt. See pictures of historical artifacts and learn about the history and culture of a country that is often overlooked. Race to the Bottom of the Earth: Surviving Antarctica Written by Rebecca E.F. Barone Henry Hold and Company, 2021. Informational. In 1910 Captain Robert Scott prepared to take his crew on a journey to the South Pole. He was determined to get there anyway he could. He was making preparations for his travel when another Captain, Roald Amundsen, also began making p...

Santa Jaws

  Santa Jaws  By Bridget Heos  Illustrated by Galia Bernstein  Henry Holt and Company, 2021. Picture Book.  The cover of this book is what first drew my eye. I loved the image of a great white shark wearing a Santa hat and going for a present amidst the ocean waves. This book is all about what it would be like if the ocean creatures had a Santa just like the land-lovers do. With rhymes and introductions to various sea creatures (did you know there are elfin sharks? a perfect species for being Santa Jaw's elves), readers who love all things ocean and want a holiday read will delight in finding this book.

Display: Kindness Warms Hearts

A Small Kindness By Stacy McAnulty Philadelphia : RP Kids, 2021. One small act of kindness spreads through a small diverse school community, just like a game of tag. Finding Kindness By Deborah Underwood New York : Godwin Books/Henry Holt and Company, 2019. Illustrations and rhyming text describe acts of kindness and community. ABCs of Kindness By Samantha Berger Honesdale, PA : Highlights Press, 2020. Starting with A and ending with Z, this beautifully illustrated book will show young readers the many ways they can make the world a kinder place. Every Little Kindness By Marta Bartolj San Francisco : Chronicle Books, 2021. One kind action sparks a chain of selfless acts that lead a girl to reunite with her lost dog in this wordless story. I Am a Kindness Hero By Jennifer Adams Boulder, CO : Sounds True, 2021. Celebrates gentleness and vulnerability in boys and teaches all children the importance of kindness. Sharing a Smile By Nicki Kramar New York : Simon & Schuster Books For Youn...

Books to Read...On a Snowy Day

On a chilly, snowy day, sometimes it's more fun to stay inside and read a book. Here are some books that will have you feel like you're playing in the snow when you're actually nice and warm inside. One Snowy Day By Diana Murray and Diana Toledano Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks Jaberwocky, 2018. Picture Book. Count your way through all these fun snow day activities! When you start with one playful puppy and two children just waking up, you are bound to find adventure. This book really embodies the joy children feel when they get to play in the snow. Snowy Race Written by April Jones Illustrated by Christine Davenier New York: Holiday House, 2019. Picture Book Today is the day this little girl has been waiting for! She rushes to get dressed and race to pick up a visiting family member from the train station. But this isn't like any other race. It's a snowy race! She and her father hop in his snow plow to clean the streets on their way. This books is a quick and ea...

Snow Day in May

  Snow Day in May By Christine Evans Chicago, Illinois: Albert Whitman and Company, 2021. Intermediate Chapter Book. Raven is desperate to skip school. She was supposed to present her Voices of History project with her best friend Belle, but when Belle moves away, Raven thinks that it would be easier if she didn't have to do the project at all. Raven stumbles upon a wishing well and when she tosses a coin into the well, she finds herself in the Wish Library, where the Librarian grants her a wish in a test tube. Before she goes to bed, she pour the wish out and hopes for school to be cancelled. She wakes up to a miraculous sight! A snow day in May! While at first, this seems ideal, Raven soon learns that having a snow day may not be the best thing. This first book in the Wish Library series, is so much fun. It's a charming tale about a girl makes a friend and learns about the importance of problem-solving. This charming, new series is still releasing new books, so be on the look...

International Christmas Traditions to Celebrate at Home

It is fascinating to learn about how people celebrate holidays. It can be a fun holiday activity to try out traditions from other countries and cultures, but it can also be a little bit overwhelming. In this post, I'll share the tradition and a simple adaptation to make it easy to celebrate with your family. Some of these traditions were taken from Global Road Warrior , an online database that is available to Provo City Library users. To access Global Road Warrior, go to the Provo Library homepage ->Learn->Research Databases->Travel->Global Road Warrior. From there, you can pick from hundreds of countries to learn about. You can access this database to do your own research and learn about Christmas traditions around the world on your own. Germany On Christmas Eve, a pickle ornament is hidden in the tree. The first child to find it on Christmas morning gets an extra present from Santa or good luck for the next year. If you don't have a pickle ornament, you can adapt ...

Books That Make Great Holiday Read-Alouds

We are right in the midst of the holiday season, which for a lot of us means spending more time at home with family. This is a great excuse to play games, watch movies, eat treats, and enjoy the company of those you love. Another favorite activity of mine is to read a holiday story aloud as a family. You can have one reader, multiple readers, or even present it like a reader's theater with smaller kids sharing certain lines or acting out the action of the stories. Here is a round-up of some holiday books that make great family read-alouds! The Best Christmas Pageant Ever By Barbara Robinson New York: Harper, 1988. Fiction. This is a long-standing favorite Christmas story in my family. The six unruly Herdman kids are general community menaces -- stealing, lying, smoking cigars! -- who one year infiltrate the town's Christmas pageant and remind the religious town of the true spirit of the Birth of Christ. If your family celebrates religious Christmas, this is a great addition to ...

Stealing Home

  Stealing Home Written by: J. Torres Illustrated by: David Namisato Kids Can Press, 2021. Graphic Novel. It's 1941 and Sandy Saito lives in Vancouver, Canada with his family. Sandy loves baseball, and the Asahi baseball team, which is his favorite Japanese Canadian team. Sandy's life is busy with school and baseball but some big changes are coming. First, his baseball team, the Asahi, loose the 1941 semifinals and in December the U.S. naval base Pearl Harbor is attacked. The attack on Pearl Harbor changes life for Sandy and his family and friends. With all the hardships that come because of the war, Sandy learns that life is like baseball, you have to deal with whatever is thrown your way.  This is an emotional novel that contains historic details woven throughout a fictional story about a Japanese family and the unjust circumstances they were forced into. World War II affected so many people and this book gives readers a look at the injustices Japanese Canadians faced. The h...

Picture Books from 2021 That Would Make Great Gifts

I am one of those librarians that always gives books for gifts. And there have been some pretty good books this past yearā€”okay so there are always good new booksā€”and I have a few that I think are especially good if you are looking for a book to give away this holiday season. Just donā€™t tell my family what is on this listā€”or they might not be surprised as to what is coming their wayā€¦  Anita and the Dragons   Written by Hannah Carmona  Illustrated by Anna Cunha Oxford, United Kingdom: Lantana Publishing Ltd., 2021. This is a good book to give kids who aspire to being brave. In the story, Anita must face her fear of moving away and flying in an airplane (dragon).  Bear is a Bear   Written by Jonathan Stutzman Illustrated by Dan Santat  New York, NY : Balzer + Bray, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2021. This is a book that I just gave to my newest nephew. It is a sentimental story about how specific treasured toys can impact a childā€”and be impactful for...