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Showing posts from November, 2021

Five Favorite Classic Christmas Picture Books

 It is that time of year when I pull out all of my Christmas books to read to young kiddos. I thought I would share five of my favorite Christmas books that still get me into the Christmas spirit. Enjoy!  12 Days of Christmas   By Greg Pizzoli  Los Angeles ; New York : Disney - Hyperion, 2017. If there was ever a Christmas song that would get stuck in my head, it would be this one. And this brightly illustrated version is begging to be read and loved. It is the perfect way to sing a storybook and get into the holiday spiritā€”or at least to remind everyone, with one of the longest Christmas songs, that it is time to celebrate!  Mr. Willowbyā€™s Christmas Tree   By Robert E. Barry New York : Random House Children's Books, 2000. This may be one of my all-time favorite Christmas stories. I love how it is all about how you can make something special with just a little leftover Christmas cheerā€”or in this case a leftover Christmas tree top. I love how a little sprig ...

Walking in a Winter Wonderland Display Case

  Winter Moon Song Written by Martha Brooks Illustrated by Leticia RuifernĆ”ndez  Groundwood Books, 2014. Picture Book. A young rabbit finds a new way to help brighten the darkest month of the year. Snow Moon By Nicholas Brunelle Viking Juvenile, 2005. Picture Book. One wintry night, a child awakens to find at his window a mysterious owl that beckons, and together the two set off on a moonlit journey to a place called Owl Ridge. Big Snow By Jonathan Bean Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013. Picture Book. An excited and frustrated boy watches hopefully as wintry weather develops slowly into a 'big snow.' Snow  Written by Cynthia Rylant Illustrated by Lauren Stringer Clarion Books, 2017. Picture Book. A young girl, her friend, and her grandmother enjoy the many things a snowy day has to offer.

From Story Time: The Letter "K"

Read in Toddler Time The Koala Who Could Written by Rachel Bright Illustrated by Jim Field Scholastic Press, 2017.  Picture Book. Sometimes a little CHANGE can open your world to BIG possibilities. You see, high-up was safe since he liked a slow pace, while the ground down below seemed a frightening place. Too fast and too loud and too big and too strange. Nope. Kevin preferred not to move or to change.  Kevin the koala loves every day to be the same, where it's snug and safe. But when change comes along, will Kevin embrace all the joys that come with trying something new? An inspiring rhyming read aloud by bestselling Love Monster creator Rachel Bright and Frog on a Log? illustrator Jim Field that empowers young readers to face change with courage and delight.  --Publisher Read in Preschool Time Sealed With a Kiss Written by Beth Ferry Illustrated by Olivier Tallec HarperCollins Publishers, 2019.  Picture Book. What's a seal to do when she's new to the zoo? Make n...

The Magic of Sleep

The Magic of Sleep By: Vicky Woodgate DK Publishing, 2021. Informational. Displayed in easy-to-read infographic pages, this book presents facts about sleep in an entertaining and delightful way. From mindfulness, to sleeping positions, to myths/legends and animal habits, it is filled with interesting facts about all sorts of topics related to sleep and the night. Every page features a cat that guides the reader in each topic and contains pictures, quizzes, and blurbs that are simple and fascinating. In addition, there is a glossary at the back to help even the youngest readers learn and enjoy. 

Cookbooks for National Parfait Day

Did you know that today, November 25th, is National Parfait Day? Unfortunately this glorious holiday gets overshadowed by Thanksgiving, so we'll pay tribute to parfaits. Here are some cookbooks that feature parfaits and other fun desserts. Everybody likes parfaits!  Very fittingly, A Princess Cookbook  contains a recipe for a princess parfait just perfect for royalty: A Princess Cookbook: Simple Recipes for Kids By Sarah L. Schuette Mankato, Minnesota, Capstone Press, 2011. Informational. 24 pages. Foolproof Frozen Treats with a Side of Science has me salivating with a recipe for a Root Beer Granita Parfait: Foolproof Frozen Treats with a Side of Science By M. M. Eboch North Mankato, Minnesota, Capstone Press, a Capstone imprint, 2019. Informational. 32 pages. These two cookbooks don't have parfait recipes, but they both have recipes for trifle, which is basically like a giant parfait (so even better!) Cool Treats & Sweets: Easy & Fun Comfort Food lives up to its nam...

Picture Books About Gratitude

Today is Thanksgiving Day, a day that is used as a day to express our gratitude for what we have, the experiences we enjoy, and the people that we love. Gratitude helps to change our perspective on life and bring more joy! Each of these picture books below tell stories about gratitude and how to more fully appreciate the good around us. Happy Thanksgiving!  Thankful Written by Elaine Vickers Illustrated by Samantha Cotterill New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2021. Throughout the year, a little girl creates a thankful chain by writing what she is grateful for on slips of paper and linking them together. Her chain grows longer and longer as more ideas come to her about what to be grateful for. The illustrations in this picture book are very unique, using paper-folding, photography, and drawing to create beautiful scenes on each page. Our Table By Peter H. Reynolds New York, NY : Orchard Books, an imprint of Scholastic Inc., 2021. Our Table is all about a ...

Fallout: Spies, Superbombs, and the Ultimate Cold War Showdown

Fallout: Spies, Superbombs, and the Ultimate Cold War Showdown By Steve Sheinkin New York: Roaring Brook Press, 2021. Informational. This follow-up to the uber award-winner Bomb: The Race to Build and Steal the World's Most Dangerous Weapon    picks up in 1953 when a 13-year-old paperboy discovers a hollow nickel dropped by Soviet spy Rudolf Abel. This story provides the perfect hook to intrigue readers in the drama of the Cold War. Sheinkin expertly strings together the arrest of Rudolf Abel, the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the high-anxiety tension between U.S. president John F. Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. Young readers likely aren't very familiar with the Cold War and may not even understand just how close the world came to total catastrophe -- and this book will set things up nicely. Steve Sheinkin writes incredibly engaging narrative nonfiction books, and this title is no exception. He sets up the world of the 1950s and 19...

New Middle Grade Books About Food

When I was younger I loved to bake and I had a favorite cookie recipe I made over and over again. I felt so grown up when I would bake something all by myself.  Recently, I have read some delicious books about kids who enjoy cooking as much as I do. They feature a main character who either loves cooking or loves food and experimenting in the kitchen. These morsels of entertainment might just inspire you to whip something up today. The Last Super Chef By Chris Negron HarperCollins Publishers, 2021. Fiction. Curtis Pitch has always wanted to become a chef like the famous Lucas Taylor, the host of his favorite TV show, Super Chef. So when he learns that Super Chef is going to have a kids only season, Curtis knows this is his chance to show just what he can do in the kitchen. He wins a spot in the competition and heads off to New York to film the show. But Curtis also has a secret, he wants to be acknowledged by his father, the famous chef, as well as help his mother and sister.  ...

The Ugliest Monster in the World

  The Ugliest Monster in the World  By Luis Amavisca  Illustrated by Erica Salcedo  NubeOcho, 2021. Picture Book.  This is a silly book where a couple of monsters are trying to decide who is the uglies monster in the world. The bright, bold illustrations are full of colorful lines to create textures on each monster (and accessary) which contrast to the simple black lines that make up the background environment. Young readers will love to see the reaction to the monsters looking in the mirror (to decide who is indeed the ugliest). And those who love monsters but donā€™t want to be too scared when reading picture books will enjoy this pick.

Display: These Books Really Rock

  Extreme Rocks & Minerals!: Q&A By Smithsonian Institution New York: Collins, 2007. Informational. Learn fun facts about rocks and minerals. Rocks By Sally M. Walker Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications, 2007. Informational. Readers will learn what rocks are made of, how rocks change over time and about the three main groups of rocks. The Rock & Gem Book: ... and Other Treasures of the Natural World By Dan Green New York: DK Publishing, 2016. Informational The Rock and Gem Book is packed full of photos of natural wonders, including rocks, minerals, gems, shells and fossils. This children's encyclopedia displays more than 1,200 full-color specimens, from sapphires and rubies to silver and pearl, revealing the unique qualities of each material and how it is used in industry, architecture, art and science. Including precious metals, rare fossils, tiny gemstones and giant shells, the Rock and Gem Book gives a complete overview of the Earth's naturally occurring marvels...

From Story Time: The Letter "J"

Read in Toddler Time Jack and the Jelly Bean Stalk Written by Rachael Mortimer Illustrated by Liz Pichon Tiger Tales, 2014.  Picture Book. Jack sells the family's cow for twenty gold coins but buys magic jelly beans with the money. His mother throws the beans outside, and they grow into an enormous stalk. When Jack meets a Giant who wants him for a snack, Jack finds a clever solution to his GIANT problem!  --Publisher Read in Preschool Time Jabari Jumps By Gaia Cornwall Candlewick Press, 2017.  Picture Book. Jabari is definitely ready to jump off the diving board. He's finished his swimming lessons and passed his swim test, and he's a great jumper, so he's not scared at all. "Looks easy," says Jabari, watching the other kids take their turns. But when his dad squeezes his hand, Jabari squeezes back. He needs to figure out what kind of special jump to do anyway, and he should probably do some stretches before climbing up onto the diving board.  In a sweetly app...

Niki Nakayama: A Chef's Tale in 13 Bites

Niki Nakayama: A Chef's Tale in 13 Bites By Jamie Michalak New York : Farrar Straus Giroux, 2021. Biography. Niki Nakayama is a chef that has been awarded two Michelin stars during her career for her incredible food. She is specifically a kaiseki chef, which means that every dish she creates tells a story. Just like her food tells a story in 13 dishes at her restaurant, this picture book biography also tells a story, but in 13 bites. Niki grew up in Los Angeles but because her parents were born in Japan, they often had food that incorporated both cultures. As Niki grew up she always had a dream of becoming a chef but was told constantly that she wouldn't be able to. She adopted the saying, Kuyashii, which means, I'll show them, and she certainly did. Niki learned, grew, went to culinary school, traveled to Japan, and then opened her own restaurant, becoming the first female kaiseki chef in the world.  This picture book biography is inspiring, well-written, and beautifully i...

No Fuzzball!

  No Fuzzball!   Written and Illustrated by Isabella Kung New York : Orchard Books, an imprint of Scholastic Inc., 2020. Picture Book.  Welcome to NoFuzzball's queendom. No, her name is not Fuzzball. It's NoFuzzball. After all, that's what everyone in her queendom chants all the time. "No, Fuzzball!" NoFuzzball enjoys her servants immensely. They give her toys, massages, food... anything she wants! NoFuzzball is obviously the queen. So she is appalled when one day, without warning, her servants get up and leave on a vacation! All alone, NoFuzzball decides to come up with a few gifts to give her servants when they return. What surprises will she have in store? You'll have to read No Fuzzball!  to find out! This picture book is absolutely hilarious, especially if you know a cat's disposition and how they usually act like the whole world revolves around their furry, fuzzy cuteness. The illustrations are fun and vibrant, adding to the charm of the sto...

Pay Back Your Parents Day

Do you know what holiday falls on November 20th? I didn't either, so no need to feel bad. It is National Pay Back Your Parents Day. Although this holiday may be new to you, it seems to be one worth celebrating. It is a day where we find ways to give back to our parents for all the things they do for their children each day. While you may have to get personally creative to decide how to show your parents how much you appreciate all they have done for, here are some books to read about all that our parents do for us and the love they have for us while we're thinking about it. For You By Paula Merlan Cuento de Luz SL, 2021. Picture Book. This imported book from Spain follows a family and all the love they show through the years as they grow up. With beautifully bright pictures and soft pages, this is one to definitely put on your list.  Just in Case You Want to Fly By Julie Fogliano Holiday House, 2019. Picture Book. With beautiful illustrations from award-winning illustrator, Chr...

Five Faves: Narrative Nonfiction

One of my favorite book genres also happens to be one that a lot of readers are less familiar with. I'm talking about narrative nonfiction. Also called creative nonfiction, these are books that tell true stories in the style of a fiction novel. These books are great at drawing readers in and subtly imparting a ton of information in a story format. If you want to dip your toes in this genre, here are five favorite narrative nonfiction titles for elementary school readers: The Curse of the Mummy: Uncovering Tutankhamun's Tomb By Candace Fleming New York: Scholastic Focus, 2021. Informational. Chances are, if you've only heard of one Egyptian pharaoh, then you've heard of King Tut. But have you ever wondered why he's so famous? It's because the excavation of his tomb in 1922 by Howard Carter, a disgraced English archaeologist who was dead-set on becoming famous, was one of the most exciting archeological discoveries ever made. This book is a real page-turner while ...

The Genius Under the Table: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain

  The Genius Under the Table: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain Written and Illustrated by: Eugene Yelchin Candlewick Press, 2021. Autobiography. Newbery Honor winner Eugene Yelchin has written a memoir of his life growing up behind the iron curtain. With his entertaining humor and drawings you learn what it was like to live in Russia during the cold war. You read about the small one-room apartment with a tiny bathroom and no bedroom, the lack of food, and the worry of a KGB spy lurking in the kitchen. With lots of doodles to help tell the story, Eugene recounts what it was like to be expected to follow all the rules and develop a talent that would help Russia be recognized by the world. This first-person account brings readers into the world of Eugene's childhood. Readers will enjoy learning about the Soviet Union and the talented people who defected and didn't come back home to Russia after traveling aboard. An inspiring story about a young boy who discovered his artistic ta...

National Recycling Day

Today is National Recycling Day! I thought I would share five books that help kids get into the spirit of recycling. Enjoy!  Dear Earthā€¦From Your Friends in Room 5   Written by Erin Dealey  Illustrated by Luisa Uribe  New York, NY : Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 2020. This book is about a group of students who write letters to Earth to share what they are doing to help. Then Earth responds and tells the kids how what they have done has been helpful.  One Earth   Written by Eileen Spinelli  Illustrated by RogĆ©rio Coelho  New York, NY : WorthyKids, 2020. This is a simple counting book that talks about the earth and simple ways you can help recycle (like giving worn out towels to shelter cats). One Little Bag: An Amazing Journey   By Henry Cole  New York : Scholastic Press, 2020. In this wordless story a brown paper bag is made from a tree and is used over and over again through the years by one family until it becomes a co...