Real Pirates: The Untold Story of the Whydah From Slave Ship to Pirate Ship By: Barry Clifford The story of the slave ship, Whydah, captured by pirates and later sunk in a fierce storm off the coast of Massachusetts. Pirate Queen: A Story of Zheng Yi Sao By: Helaine Becker Illustrated by: Liz Wong The most powerful pirate in history was a woman who was born into poverty in Guangzhou, China, in the late 1700's. When pirates attacked her town and the captain took a liking to her, she saw a way out. Zheng Yi Sao agreed to marry him only if she got an equal share of his business. When her husband died six years later, she took command of the fleet. Over the next decade, the pirate queen built a fleet of over 1,800 ships and 70,000 men. On land and sea, Zheng Yi Sao's power rivaled the emperor himself. Are Pirates Polite? By: Corinne Demas Illustrated by: David Catrow In rhyming text, this story demonstrates that even pirates can be polite, and say "please" and "...
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