Pocket Full of Colors: The Magical World of Mary Blair, Disney Artist Extraordinaire By Amy Guglielmo and Jacqueline Tourville Illustrated by Brigette Barrager Antheneum, 2017. Biography. To start, I was EXCITED for this new book. I love picture book biographies, bright colors, strong women, and Disney. As soon as this book became available I hurried to check it out and I read it immediately. This story is well-told - focusing on one woman that most readers haven't heard about. I learned quite a bit about the life of Mary Blair - a Disney concept artist who left to work in advertising when her artistic style was not appreciated, then came back years later to design "It's a Small World" and its colorful, bright, iconic design. Mary's disagreements with her colleagues seem to focus on a difference of style and not on her being the only woman in a man's game (though this is mentioned). Mary comes across as a great role model for young creatives and this ...
Book reviews and recommendations from the Children's Librarians at the Provo City Library