Tornado! : The Story Behind These Twisting, Turning, Spinning, and Spiraling Storms by Judith Bloom Fradin & Dennis Brindell Fradin National Geographic, 2011. 63 pages. Nonfiction. National Geographic is known for accurate, informative text and amazing photographs, and this book about tornadoes does not disappoint. The information is presented in a very interesting and eye-catching way accompanied by incredible photographs on every page. Readers of all ages, adults included, will be fascinated by first-hand accounts and crazy tornado facts. For example, during the Oklahoma City Tornado of 1999, winds of 318 mph were recordedāthe highest wind speeds ever recorded on earth! The pictures, however, really steal the show. Just looking at the photos of a supercell (a weather phenomenon that precursors tornados) made me want to hide in a storm cellar. The Fradins clearly explain the science, research and new discoveries about tornadoes, and provide a glossary and bibliography.
Book reviews and recommendations from the Children's Librarians at the Provo City Library